our Schools
and Students
the World
At YCIS and YWIES we know that we learn best when we are motivated by engaging activities that stimulate inquiry in areas of personal interest. And we know that high levels of digital literacy are indispensable, hence we integrate technology to promote independence and best prepare our students for future success at university and beyond. So, what better way to do this than with a blended, online programme led by a highly skilled team of educators with a track record of success in remote learning?
Shared Resources
Chose subjects taught in other schools from the organisation.
Blended Learning
Learn online or blended with an on-campus classroom from the organisation.
Tailor-made Schedule
Replace an on-campus subject with an online subject.
Learning Support
Dedicated teachers, onsite support and form tutors available to students.
Collaborate Online
Forge long-lasting connections from across the organisation.

Learn with YCYW Online
Explore the course catalog
How do the online subjects work?We will provide a tailor-made schedule for students, built around their scheduled timetable, either during school time or after school. The teacher will use online platforms to deliver live conference-call lessons as well as uploading assignments, videos and other resources for their student. The students undertake a mix of conference calls and independent study time, including work on projects and assessments, showcasing to the online teacher when ready. The online classes will run in different ways: Dial in / Blended – where there is a class being taught on campus in one school, and students join online from another YCIS or YWIES school Online class – this will be where all the students in the class are studying the subject online The online subject will replace an on-campus subject, it will not mean studying an additional subject. The participating students will have the opportunity to communicate regularly with their teachers and collaborate with other students online. The students may not need to necessarily have conference calls with the online teacher every day as there will be independent study times allocated as well. Online teachers will also be responsible for lesson planning, lesson delivery, course assessment and reporting of progress and results, in line with external requirements (Cambridge and the IBO), the organization’s teaching and learning policies and each school’s expectations.
Who will ensure the very best quality?The YCYW Online subjects will all be taught by highly experienced YCIS and YWIES teachers, and teachers who are passionate and excited to participate in this programme. All YCYW Online subjects will follow the Mission, Principles and Practices of Yew Chung and Yew Wah schools, follow the same IGCSE, IB and A-Levels curricula and be guided by the Learning Principles of the organization. The teachers and students will be supported and supervised by the Yew Chung and Yew Wah Leadership and the YCYW team. Online students will continue to receive support for learning needs and inclusive assessment arrangements where needed (such as examination accommodations). Regular feedback from stakeholders will be sought to ensure the quality of teaching and learning with the subjects being delivered under this programme. Online students will also continue to be supported by the policies of the school for which they are registered (in respect of assessment, academic honesty, learning support etc.)
Who is able to participate in the YCYW Online programme?We have selected a number of online subjects for Year 10 (IGCSE) and Year 12 (IBDP) at YCIS and for the first year of A-Levels (Grade 11/Year 12) at YWIES. The students may choose one subject online, and the other subjects will be taught on campus as per normal. There may be additional times in which schools may seek support to have a student study a subject taught by another school. YCYW Online staff will attempt to support these requests where possible.
What does YCYW Online offer YCIS and YWIES students?In order to ensure the long-term success and viability of YCYW Online, the following support will be provided to participating students: - A YCIS Principal has been assigned as Project Manager to oversee this project and ensure that the schools and students are well supported - Fully qualified and experienced Yew Chung and Yew Wah Teachers will deliver the online subjects - YCYW Online will have a dedicated Tutor to work with the online students - YCYW Online will have an Executive Assistant assigned to provide administrative support to the programme - The programme will have the full support and resources of the organization’s Technology infrastructure, as well as online resources such as Classin, Microsoft Teams, Managebac and PowerSchool. - YCYW Online will be committed to online safety and will follow the organization’s child protection and safeguarding policies If a student signs up for a two-year online IGCSE, A-Levels or IBDP course, YCYW Online will commit to teaching the student online for both years of the course, assuming that the student is still enrolled in their YCIS or YWIES school and meeting course expectations.
What additional support can students expect when studying a subject online?We understand that students need ongoing support and guidance when studying online. As a result, YCYW Online will provide the following support to participating students: - Tutor – Each student who signs up for any online subject will receive support in the form of an online ‘Form’ Tutor, provided by YCYW Online. This tutor will run weekly sessions with the students providing additional individual and small group support. This tutor will contact the teachers and leaders if there are any concerns. - Learning Support – In addition, one on one online student support can be provided to the online students who require additional support (including special needs) - Coursework – in addition to regular teaching commitments, online teachers will also provide ongoing guidance and feedback in respect of IGCSE, IBDP and A-Level and coursework requirements beyond regular classes. They will consult with students as needed to ensure they are meeting coursework expectations. - Onsite support – Each school that has students studying online courses, will provide onsite supervision and support to the students as well, and will support with communicating with the online teachers and tutors as needed.
Will the students meet their teacher in person?We do understand that there is value in students and teachers having some face-to-face contact. As part of this project, we will arrange for the online teachers to visit the participating online students at least twice per academic year in person, assuming travel is possible at the time. The teachers will also meet the parents during these visits if possible. We will be aiming to connect the online students with other students studying the courses across the organization. The real benefit will be the connections that can be forged – in person and online.
Registration and feesWe are pleased to inform you that there will be no additional costs for YCYW Online courses in 2021-22 and for the duration of a student’s two-year course. If a student is interested in studying one of the courses offered online, please contact your relevant IGCSE/IB/A-Levels Coordinator, who will then contact the YCYW Online team. Once we receive the names of the students who are interested, we will contact the school and make arrangements.
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If you have any questions or would like further information, please feel free to email us at