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Approaches to Assessment and Feedback

Assessment and feedback (including reports) are essential aspects of learning and teaching, serving as vital components in the educational process. They are carried out with integrity and a clear understanding of their function within the cycle of education.

Assessment: Assessment is a process. This means that assessment is not only the value given to an outcome at the end of a unit of learning but is the information gained from a range of activities firmly embedded in the learning and teaching continuum. High-quality assessments produce information (data) which provides insight into the learner’s knowledge, understanding, and skills. Valid and reliable assessments present opportunities for specific and valuable feedback.

Feedback is information given to the learner (and/or other interested parties) about their performance relative to learning goals or outcomes. It should aim to (and be capable of producing) student learning improvement. Feedback allows students to know where they are going, how they are progressing, and what they need to do next – feeding up, feeding back, feeding forward. Effective feedback redirects or refocuses the learner’s actions to achieve a goal by aligning effort and activity with an outcome. Feedback can be verbal, written, or can be given via digital technology. It can come from a teacher, someone taking a facilitation role, or from peers.

Link to Assessment, Feedback and Reporting Policy

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